Tuesday, November 4, 2008

chapters 3-6 sixth blog post

The book is getting better and better from surprising events, attacks and battles to tragic deaths. This book is marvelous, full of suspension and conclusions from the past books. One of the biggest events that was tragic was Mad-Eye's death. This never occurred to me and surprisingly enough, he just dies and he was a leader and a role-model to the Order and to Harry. I think I understand Harry's feelings and emotions from just reading the book, because he was so many things on his shoulders right now and many people are suffering because of him. Harry is sad and very emotional to those who tried to sacrifice their lives just for him. Voldemort's characteristics were mentioned in this chapter, that he could fly and that the Death Eaters have a great bond between Voldemort and that they call forth each other in an instant. The Death Eaters were expecting Harry to leave at that specific night and the Order wasn't fully prepared in some cases, or dramatic irony.
Another part that I'm impressed with was the discussion of the Horcrux taken between Harry, Hermione and Ron. They wonder about where the Horcruxes might be and how they can be destroyed. The author provides information by putting details which connect to the past book(s) of the Harry Potter series. For example, Hermione taking books from Dumbledore's office the year before (or the previous book 6), and Rowling wrote that to provide information to the readers about the Horcruxes. This book is just fantastic, events after events the story becomes better and better with new treats that the author provides to the readers.

Monday, November 3, 2008

chapters1-3. 5th post

This book is full of suspense form the beginning of the book. The first chapter shows us what Voldemort and the Death Eaters are planning to do to Harry. As I was reading through the first chapter I started asking questions such as what will Harry and the Order do to get past Voldemort? Do Harry realize what he is really up against? I hope to find some answers by reading further on into the book. Dramatic Irony is
The next sections mostly tells the readers about the tragedy and the crowd reactions of the Magic World after Dumbledore's death. I got to experience more of Dumbledore's life from head to toe, beyond Harry's. Dumbledore's life was not mentioned in the previous 6 books, so I plan to find more about it later on.
The Dursley's leaving! Something that was unexpected though Harry isn't happy or super excited that the Dursleys were leaving. The Dursleys had feelings too just like Harry and Dudley didn't wanted to leave without him, and he was really thankful for Harry. Harry accepted that warmly and I felt sad that the Dursleys were going away. I think Rowling did a good job changing the reader's emotions and really emphasizing that 'goodbye' moment.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Let the drummer kick - Citzen Cope


Let the drummer kick
Let the drummer kick that
(repeat 16x)


No substitution

Let the drummer kick
Let the drummer kick that
(repeat 16x)

Relations (Say Apollo had to break 'em)
Creation (It's a gift, a blessing)
Incarceration (What keeps you down)
Determination (What gets you out)
Equation (They say you could make it)
Humiliation (What you feel when they say it)
Reincarnation ( Say N-A-V)
Situation (Why we've got to sing)

Elation (So many in need)
Identification (Gives you the right to shoot)
Retaliation (What would it do)
Education (Gives you the right to do)
Inspiration (What pulls you through)
Substitution (Try to substitute)
Non-inclusion (Just got to bust through)
Drug infusion (For the chosen few)
Mass confusion (When they say that they died for you)
Delusion (Say that the dreams don't come true)
Solution (It can take a hold of you)
Inspiration (Is what pulls you through)

Let the drummer kick (Inspiration)
Let the drummer kick that (Inspiration)
(repeat 4x)

Let the drummer kick
Let the drummer kick that
You don't even have to wait
You don't even have to wait

Let the drummer kick
Let the drummer kick that
(repeat til end)


I have heard about it

I'm reading/read it
I blog it

Get Ready


Ink Blotz

When I first looked at my copy, there were many talented writers, or perhaps all of he writers of the Ink Blotz copy were very creative and experinced. I think that there are a lot more people doing Ink Blotz than last year. Poems, reflections, phrases anything, they all sound fabulous and like real writing authors. It is good to get copyies of Ink Blotz to check out my friends and other talented writers on what they have to say for anything.

1984 - fourth post


My feelings towards the book is very different from any other book I've read. Many stories that I've read ends with the protagonist of the story victorious, also riding off in the sunset smiling, accomplishing a difficult goal, finding what they want in the end. For George Orwell's 1984, everything was different. In the end the protagonist wasn't riding off in the sunset with a beautiful lady, there was no victory, and Winston sure didn't have a smile on his face. I think that this book dipicts that not everything is perfect, somethings will fall down and eventually break apart. Not everybody can be a winner, not everybody can win against the impossible. This book shows me a new, different side of society in a bad/different set of enviorment in the book. It was a great expirience to read this book and I have a new vision towards rebellion and other perspectives from the book. I believe that this book shows a dark perspective of the outter society, and that not anything could be done perfectly and there will be disappointments and losts.

1984 - third post

Rebellion. I think that the theme of the story has to do with rebellion, because the book from the beginning to the end changes a person's mind 180 degrees around. The consequences of rebellion, how a person could be tortured, experience the most horrifying moment of his or her life and have a different mind set. This book clearly shows a different perspective on how people rebel, how Winston gathered himself to fight for what he believed in, against all odds, though through the end one might be pressed down, broken in spirit by the supirior. This book clearly shows about rebellion and how it ends in a different perspective, more of a futuristic event. The book showned me a new vision of novels and fictionary books. It ends in tragety, it is not a happy ending which I have never encountered before. It gave me another point of view to the real world, the realistic event and that any thing can happen.

1984 - second post

Winston Smith: Winston is the protagonist of the story, though later on throughout the book. He is a different person from anybody else in the book, knowing that he does not like anything about the political system and Big Brother. Winston rebels by writing notes, thinking, and taking risks. Later on, he notices that it is impossible to break down the Party, and he gave himself false hope.
Julia: Julia is also like Winston, sharing same opinions and thoughts against the Party. She has a similar mind set as Winston, searching, rebellion against the Party, though she does not take it as seriously as Winston, in a smaller scale. Except for sexual desires and rebellion against the Party, nothing seems to be the same or similar between Winston.
O'Brien: O'Brien is a different character, known to be part of the Party for a very long time, though he states that he has been like Winston before, a person who rebelled against the Party. He is the antagonist of the story, trapping Winston and breaking him down with every chance he gets with torture. O'Brien manipulates Winston and makes him regret and change his life forever.

1984 - first post

1984. The beginning of a new world. This was my first impression of the book. It was very similar with the book Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. This book sets place in a different time, and in a different situation. Everything is different here and there with government 'lock down'/'sensors' all over the house of Winston Smith. When Winston Smith had a poster of 'Big Brother Is Watching You', this reminded me of Uncle Sam. Uncle Sam depicts American Citizens to be in the army and he's famous 'finger point' photo. Both posters, shows that the government wants something out of you, they are connecting to every single American/English.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

indirect characterization

The classroom was very intense as the student went up, in front of the podium. He started to speak, loud and clear, and he started to sweat and shake into the first few minutes. He gave a few hand motions, he had a great smooth touch that went with his speech. Then he was on a streak, he knew that it was okay, that he has practiced this for a very long period of time. He started to smile and expressed his happiness towards the class with a finishing touch. A standing ovation, clapping everywhere, and it was all good.
-2007 Communication Arts Class F block
my fellow classmate